Main: IndustryAdoption

 1) Industry Adoption
 Jan, Holger, Eric, Andrea, MikeD?, Ryan, MikeS?, Julien, Bill, Shane

 Codec naming and branding issue
 Eric: names like Ogg, Vorbis don't really give any idea of what the technology 
 is.  Naming could be important to foster mainstream adoption.
 Mike: But .. h.264, mp3, etc.  They're not exactly named well.
 [Discussion about whether end users know what these names mean]
 Bill: in my opinion the name doesn't matter, but the long term stability of the
 name does.
 Jan: people get confused because Ogg used to mean Audio, but now it means Video
 Same kind of confusion as with AVI (container vs. content).
 Bill, Eric, Ryn:
 problems are:
  - lack of exposure
  - changing meaning of names
  - need for clear and simple definitions
 ...but these are problems for commercial codecs as well.

 Using anti-DRM bandwagon to push open media formats
 Ryan: people are going to be hurt by DRM so we can push alternatives
 Bill: would have thought open DVD standard would have helped here.
 Ryan: are DVDs? even relevant?
 me: people are OK with DVD content protection.  More online content that we
 should concentrate on.
 Ryan: freedoms are being taken away, so providing alternatives and education 
 should be sufficient
 Eric: alternative ways to do file sharing?
 Shane: don't want to be the people that help illegal file sharing.  Want to get
 in with CC.
 Eric: what about an alternative to DRM that focuses on CC rights protection
 MikeS?: still a technological protection method
 MikeD?: CC work can help with this (machine readable, lawyer readable, human
 readable parts to license)
 Andrea: is DRM presence or absence really a problem for industry adoption?  I 
 don't really think it is.  Should concentrate on how we can push the content.

 Why would industry use open media?  Don't need to pay to produce isn't a big

 Ryan: Need to create a service that uses open content.  This will also open up
 more features for users (e.g. remixing, etc.)
 Holger: need to work on issues like 4 hours encoding for 1 hour of content then
 MikeD?: not a problem with core duo (4 streams in realtime!)

 What needs to happen to get wikipedia to use theora?
 MikeD?: SoC? project to get media playback integrated with mediawiki, but not
 pushed back into project.  
  - cortado instability
  - bandwidth considerations
 Jan: potential issue with review burden

 MikeS?: Community - issue is production tools.  The only reasonable way at the
 moment is for them to use their native tools and us to transcode at the end.
 Bill: is there a need for specific evangalism?
 MikeS?: yes, there is a need for it.
 Ryan: should we be talking about what the issues are here? or are we all 
 painfully aware of it?
 Bill: also the value add after transcoding - extra stuff that can be done once
 transcoded content is available
 Holger: a good strategy is to relate to the Word format

 Promoting within industry - they're going to want DRM
 Ryan: DRM isn't working, people are seeing that
 Jan: industry doesn't agree with that.  Even if only stops 10%, might as well
 put that on.
 Ryan: maybe convenience is a good way around DRM - e.g. I don't store video
 any more now that YouTube? is around.
 Jan: in this case though, convenience means "free".
 Jean-Marc: People are using DRM for control.
 Andrea: content like news, current affairs can be released free.
 Julien: if you want to get big content providers to use it is to show that 
 there's a reasonable chance of there being players on consumer's machines, AND 
 that they can save bits per stream
 Holger: wikipedia is a better target anyway
 Bill: and once something like that takes off then industry will follow
 Jean-Marc: we should just be looking at the easy targets and getting them to
 help convince the harder targets
 [ discussion about public broadcasters and open formats ]

 innovative applications
 Holger: we need funding

 Bill: Canon will fund stuff if we can find a good reason, the problem is
 finding a good reason.



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Page last modified on January 12, 2007, at 03:16 AM