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Open Video Editors

Session notes

Session Type: Working group

Session Category: Open Media Developers

Session Leader: Jeff Fortin (Pitivi)

Day: Sunday
Time: 3:30—5:00
Room: Faculty Commons


Open video editing software has come a long way in the last ten years; however, due to various technical and socioeconomic factors, it has thus far failed to gain significant traction in terms of userbase or software development. Video editing software projects are typically struggling to get the basic use cases cornered, let alone the professional use cases.

In this session, we will discuss the problems that open video editing software face, the road to increased adoption and sustainability, ways to ease code reuse and lower duplication, and any other topic you may deem relevant to the world of FLOSS video editing.


This session will increase the level of mutual understanding among members of various video editing projects (and users), possibly lead to a list of technologies that can be jointly developed or ways to sustain this ecosystem.


Topics for discussion

Shared format

Pitivi overview

Color space issues (camera codecs locked up)

Final Cut XML

Piviti XML

To bring forward to OVA as project - ernest [at] - if there is a possibility to create a consortium for open video editor standards (see open document standart) - but also check what happens lightworks.

set up a mailinglist for FLOSS video editors set up a FLOSS video editors page @ open video alliance [issues page], or within one of the following pages?:

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