From OVC: Open Media Developers Track

Main: OVC2011WebM

WebM: Testing, Metrics and New features

Session Notes

Session Type: Working group

Session Category: Open Media Developers

Session Leader: John Luther (WebM?), John Koleszar (WebM?)

Room: W303
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Day: Sunday


WebM? is an open, royalty-free, media file format designed for the web. WebM? was released in May 2010 and has seen massive development and substantial uptake in the time since. However, there are always things that could be done better – both around community and technology.

This session gives the interested technical community a chance to talk with some of the core developers of WebM? and raise any issues they have. Topics such as the following may be addressed:

What features should be added? What challenges are not yet being addressed? How is WebM? quality tested today, what is being experimented with? What’s missing in the WebM? ecosystem? Could the WebM? project be run better – how could the community become more involved? How do we go about developing the next free video codec?


This session will give feedback to WebM? developers about the challenges that technical WebM? user are faced with.

One possible outcome could be the registration of new bugs on the WebM? specification, and the creation of a feature wish list.

Other documents of recommendation or best practices could also result from this session.


John Luther (WebM? Google)
John Koleszar (WebM? Google)

John K: Presentation on WebM?

VP8? Metrics - Research

Encoder Speed Improvement (Realtime Mode)

Quality Progress

Testing Today

Continuous Integration (coming soon)



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Page last modified on September 30, 2011, at 09:59 AM