Schedule Overview

A draft outline of the schedule - the final session topics will be determined on the day from the position statements and suggested topics on the FoMS Mailing list.

All participants will introduce themselves and give a position statement at the beginning of FOMS. This includes:

  1. Who am I
  2. Focus and activity
  3. Current challenges and topics I'd like to see discussed

Take notes:

October 3rd

TimeAgenda Table AAgenda Table BAgenda Table CAgenda Table DAgenda Table EAgenda Table F
8:30-9:00Coffee & Setup & Seating
9:15-10:15Position Statements
10:30-11:15Propose breakout topics
11:15-11:30JB Kempf - VLC 3.0 and a surprise browser connection
11:30-11:45Propose breakout topics
1:30-1:40Pierre-Anthony Lemieux - TTML, IMSC1
3:00-3:10Steve Heffernan - CTA video quality metrics
3:10-4:10AccessibilityWebVR / 360Live Streaming / WebRTCEME
4:10-4:20Move back
4:20-4:30Jaron Viƫtor - Another media protocol
4:30-5:30QualityAIP2P Distribution
5:30-6:20Get-together to summarize the day & Group photo
6:20-6:40Tour of Ellation
6:45Leave to Dinner - Montesacro Pinseria

October 4th

TimeAgenda Table AAgenda Table BAgenda Table CAgenda Table DAgenda Table EAgenda Table F
9:00-9:30Coffee & Setup & Seating
9:50-10:00Silvia Pfeiffer - The status of WebVTT standardisation
10:00-11:00WebVTTMSE & DASHOffline
11:15-11:25Steve Lhomme - Current Matroska standardization
11:25-12:25Live captioningMedia CapabilitiesCommunity
1:30-1:40Wim Taymans - PipeWire
1:40-1:50GROUP PHOTO
1:50-2:50WebRTC AudioTV challengesQoE metrics implementation
3:30-3:40Kevin Spiteri - Status of dash.js
3:40-4:40Low Latency StreamingMobile WebNext Gen Master FormatsMonetisation
4:40-5:30Get-together to summarize FOMS
5:30Hanging out