Chair: Will Law Note taker: JP Saibene

CMCD v1:

  • CTA Wave Spec
  • Players to communicate mutually useful info: view into the player state & health
  • Monitoring & observability
  • Pre-integrated in all players: Shaka, Roku, HLS.js, DASH.js, Bitmovin, etc.
  • Exoplayer now supports all 16 parameters
  • CMCD v2: Powerful monitoring solution

Goals of V2:

  • Tighten ambiguities of v1 after 2 years of deployment
  • Increase utility / functionality as a monitoring tool (QoE?)
  • Apple meeting on Friday: they want to implement CMCD, not sure if they will implement v1 or v2
  • Worried about the number of properties being sent. Warning for v2. Possible solution: default set and an API to add more VS once on, everything is there (apple classic approach)
  • Session handling: how can we track session information without compromising identification.
  • Session ID (persistent) + Content ID (per ad / content)

CTA Wave: produce a clear spec SVTA: produce “how to use” guidelines Challenges v2:

  • BS: very ambiguous. Flag + duration. Make it stateless or stateful?
  • Decoupled reporting:
    • If you report decoupled, it’s not attached to an object
    • Is this too much of a QoE? product?

Modes of operation:

  • QoE? vs CDN Optimization
  • V1: nor has only one object pre-fetch Not absolute: avoid attacks Could we ask for more than 1 object?


  • HLS / DASH playlist or manifest, send reporting information (comes from the origin / content distributor).
  • Content steering already has a mechanism to establish who is the decision maker. There’s some correlation.
  • Should we have a mode to encrypt this? downside: CDN doesn’t have access to the info
  • Add AI to pre-fetch info :-P

Primary call to action:

  • @Will to open issue for HEAD request for reporting data instead of HTTP POST
  • V2 is being discussed right now. Will to send the list of discussions to this group to enhance discussion.