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  • Get people playing with liboggplay codebase (short term)
  • Get plugin into Firefox 3.0
  • Get plugin working for IE
  • Stabilize on VLC API as the playback API to use for Javascript methods (Cortado too)
  • Use #theora to discuss plugin issues

 Thomas, Andre, Ralph, Silvia, Ryan, James, Tim, Andrea, Bill, Conrad, MikeD?,

 [ discussion about the annodex plugin ]
 MikeD?: plugin as default in mozilla - they are interested, size might be an 
 Thomas: are they interested in more than just Ogg?
 MikeD?: they were interested in audio too.  But only Ogg because of the 
 [ discussion about why Mozilla wants to do just Ogg. ]
 Conrad: steps to get it into firefox?  Timeframes, etc.
 Ralph: it'll be for firefox 3, alpha 3 in Q1 2007.
 [ required features: Javascript hooks very important.  Discussion about audio
 APIs? - this is a problem. ]
 Andre: can libao be used?
 Will concentrate on alsa and oss.  No controls inside plugin - just a windowless
 plugin that integrates into web page.
 Full screen mode?  Could be hard without controls, but could just use 
 doubleclick or javascript calls.
 Playlists? 2nd release, although it is very useful.
 Time frame? Target a firefox 3 release.
 Embedding: talk to Monty and get Bastien Nocera to help
 Knowledge about how much has been downloaded to improve user experience
 MikeD? will help with javascript interface (HTML side)
 Chained Oggs: support is important. 2nd release.
 James with help with Alsa interface
 [ Discussion about difficulty of chained oggs, support in Xine ]
 Being able to choose between the streams available (javascript API).
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Page last modified on January 13, 2007, at 06:50 AM