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short-term goal:

propose GStreamer? to people who want a common codec API

long-term goal:

convince FFmpeg? to do releases or fork


  • common codec API
  • standard library for demuxing
  • common library for lock-free algorithms

common codec API

  • Possible candidates: FFmpeg? (libavcodec), GStreamer?, xine-libs
    • FFmpeg? problems:
      • FFmpeg? does not do releases
      • project have different included snapshots
      • distros patch out the included snapshot for security reasons
      • users end up getting regressions, broken playback, ...
      • projects could pool resources to maintain regular snapshot releases

common library for lock-free algorithms

  • features:
    • no locks, no dynamic allocations
  • data structures:
    • free lists
    • hash tables
    • FIFO buffers
    • crossplatform atomic operations (there is an outdated library)
    • short term goal: start a library like this, seems like Lennart has the most reason to start one
    • long term goal: want this in glib
  • standard library for demuxing:
    • James points out perplex, a new project
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Page last modified on January 13, 2007, at 10:05 AM